CollinghamAA press release
General Rules for fishing the Collingham Angling Association’s stretch of the River’s Trent and Fleet
NIGHT FISHING is allowed for club members only.
Day tickets are available to purchase on the Bank. Fishing is from sun rise to sun set as displayed on the CAA web page. Anglers may approach their chosen peg 30 minutes before sun rise and must be clear of the bank 30 after sun set.
No overnight stays are allowed on either the bank/flood bank or tracks or car parks own or managed by CAA.
Matches are allowed alone the stretch and notice will be posted informing anglers what pegs have been pre-booked.
Strictly No Litter. You are responsible for any litter in your swim, whether it’s yours or not. Litter must be cleared before fishing and taken with you when you leave. No excuses. If on arrival you encounter a particularly bad incident of littering please inform the bailiff on his rounds.
No open fires small contained Bar-b-q’s are allowed for use of cooking.
Junior anglers must be accompanied by an adult.
All dogs must be tethered AT ALL TIMES.
Anglers must obey the Environment Agency (E.A.) bye-laws. All person(s) fishing CAA waters must carry a current EA Rod Licence and produce it on request of any authorised official.
Keep to the river bank or tow path, or to an appropriate access, fishing from allocated pegs only.
Please do not damage any property or signage posted by CAA. Anyone found wilfully causing damage will be asked to leave.
Keep a distance of 15 yards apart if requested (Approximate distance between allocated pegs).
All Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Barbel must be returned to the water immediately (after allowing time for recovery). All coarse fish must be returned to the water (including pike and eels) on termination of fishing, in accordance with EA byelaws.
No fish to be kept in a keep net for longer than 5 hrs.
All keepnets are to be river friendly (large mess and not of the carp sack design).
All Anglers must have a suitable landing net large enough to accommodate the different species of fish available along our stretch. Specimen Anglers will require an unhooking mat. No fish is ever to be beach in order to land it.
No camping on any club water under any circumstances. Our banks and car parks are for angling only NOT for camping. This includes setting up tents during the day behind your peg. Single/double Bivvies’ or umbrellas are acceptable as sun/ bad weather shelters.
The launching of any type of boat/vessel from any CAA controlled river bank is prohibited without the express permission of the committee.
RIVER-RULES.pdf (9024 downloads )
Collingham Angling Association
Changes to Rules
21 March 2022
Following the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 20 March 2022 the membership of the Association voted unanimously to change the rules regarding fishing along the Collingham Angling Associations stretch of the rivers Trent and Fleet.
This decision was not taken lightly by the membership and follows a year in which we have seen an increase in complaints, made against the club by local farmers (many of which we rent land off), local walkers, fellow club members and the general public.
Complaints have ranged from:
- An increase in the amount of human faeces left along the bank, on
walkways, in our neighbour’s field and surrounding areas.
- An increase in general litter left by anglers from beer cans, discarded
fishing equipment to barbeques left along the bank, black bags of rubbish left in the surrounding local dykes and hedgerows or in the local villages.
- Dogs off the lead or un- tethered, pestering other anglers or users of the
public rights of ways and other walk ways.
- Children being left to play unsupervised along the bank sometimes on
bikes with parents / guardians seemingly unaware of the dangers of the river (particularly as our stretch is tidal).
This situation simply could not be left to continue and has already led to one club being banned for life from all Collingham waters.
With effect from the 16th June 2022, the membership has voted unanimously to ban night fishing or overnight stays for non-members. Fishing will now only be allowed between sun rise and sun set. We understand that we have a lot of guests that respect our waters and rules and have been coming to our part of the Trent for a number of years to enjoy the sport. We fully appreciate that it’s the stupidity of a few that has spoilt it for the majority, however, we must act before it gets any further out of hand , or we risk losing some of our rights of access or even worse a child gets into trouble in the river.
We truly hope that those anglers that use and enjoy fishing along our stretch of the Trent and Fleet will continue to come and we will of course welcome you as we have always done. Our web-page will be update to include a list of all local B&B’s and local camp site as well as displaying the official sunset / sunrise times.
Collingham Angling Association is run entirely by volunteers has a constituted membership of 300 full fee paying members made up from seniors, juniors and Senior Citizens.
The success and growth of the association is a result of many hours of hard work and tireless effort by local anglers with a common interest.
The backbone being developed by residents in the village and surrounding area and support of local farmers.
The aim of our game is to promote fair angling and protect the country side, improve our skills to catch more fish and enjoy ourselves with fellow anglers !!
Our playground is the Tidal Trent below Cromwell weir and some of the local reclaimed gravel workings.
The Lower River Trent at Collingham was once the match angler’s Paradise. However, these days it’s the place to go if you want to bag up with barbel. Long gone are the days when you could “frame”with nets of roach and chub in a mixed bag or depend on the skimmers and slabs net. You can run a groove with a stick float and catch but not on a level playing field. Take your casters, maggots and hemp but boilies and pellets are a must.
Specimen hunters love the place, but so do plenty of ‘in the know’ pleasure anglers and match men, all of whom have barbel on the brain! Not to mention “catfish”
The Trent below Collingham weir is tidal and although the rise and fall of water twice per day is fairly slight and it is still noticeable but does vary in both time of the day and height. Viewing the fairly featureless stretch below the bubbling white water “the oven” of the weir pool is a daunting prospect. Think big and positive.
Day Ticket of the association for the Fleet and the Trent may be obtained by the purchase of a day ticket from the Bailiff on the bank or by the way of a match permit issued by the secretary in advance No Day Ticket is available on the private pegs.
No person shall fish from the wall at Cromwell Weir.
River Trent Collingham from Cromwell weir downstream on east bank to Collingham Parish boundary,(approx. 305 pegs).Omitting a short stretch at Jolly barge.Acces Via Westfield Lane for Weir field or via Carlton ferry lane and road bridge,upsteam and downstream.
River Fleet-East bank for 2 fields, situated between Besthorpe and Girton.Access via Tinker Lane off A1133 Gainsbough Road.
Please note, however, that the Rivers Trent and also the Fleet are all still close by law for the traditional closed season.
Match bookings and bailiff Ky Morton 07947770690
The Honorary Secretary
- Water available for Day Ticket is on the lower Trent below Cromwell weir to Carlton ferry Lane, various access points via Collingham, just north of Newark and on the Fleet at Besthorpe village(Which is a river and closed season does apply on this water). Day Ticket issued for both by our own bailiffs on the bank at a cost of ₤10.00 per day
- Welcome to the new site! Hope you enjoy any feedback you have please send an email via the contact us form. Best wishes and tight lines!
Last year we had loads of rubbish dumped in car parks and on the banks please take it home with you
Please send your pictures to us
Dear all have you been catching some cracking fish? If so please send all pictures to and one of the admin team will post your picture on our new website. We now have the facility for other anglers to comment on photos. Please include your name weight of fish and where abouts on