To book Cromwell Weir/Collingham Weir pegs 1A to 4 £125 or any other 10 peg sections
Fishing is from sun rise to sun set as displayed on the CAA web page. Anglers may approach their chosen peg 30 minutes before sun rise and must be clear of the bank 30 after sun set.
please call the bailiff Ky Morton on number below
Tel 07947770690
NIGHT FISHING is allowed for club members only.
Day tickets are available to purchase on the Bank apart from peg 1A to 4. Fishing is from sun rise to sun set as displayed on the CAA web page. Anglers may approach their chosen peg 30 minutes before sun rise and must be clear of the bank 30 after sun set.
No overnight stays are allowed on either the bank/flood bank or tracks or car parks own or managed by CAA.
Matches are allowed alone the stretch and notice will be posted informing anglers what pegs have been pre-booked.